We developed a creative platform to advertise H&M’s 2019 Pride Capsule Collection, which consists of bold Pride fashion to celebrate June Pride and the 50th Anniversary of the Stonewall Uprising. The name of the collection is “Stay True. Stay You,” and we positioned the collection as a means for one to express their Pride unapologetically. The story we crafted to showcase the collection with diverse and notable LGBTQ+ cast is about LGBTQ+ visibility in everyday locations. Whether it be a bowling alley or a laundromat, one can bring and find the spirit of Pride.
We produced a diverse, LGBTQ+ creative team which includes our film director and photographer, Luke Gilford; our hairstylist, Dee Trannybear, and makeup artist, Deja Davenport, of DD-Pro; and fashion stylist, Chris Horan.